Sunday, January 24, 2010

Boulders climbing Gym Trip 1/25/2010

From Jon Wood

Hey All,

So this is the first official Boudlers trip of 2010! We will leave from PSC at about 7pm (more like 7:15pm hoofer time) and head over to Boulders for some climbing gym action. The plan is to stay until 10:00pm and the cost for the night pass is $XX.XX. If you need gear please show up at 6:45pm; we'll jump down to the lower office to grab you stuff. Anyone who can drive is welcome to it as my little Honda Civic can only hold a max of 4 people (5 people if folks don't mind being cozy).

For those of you who may be new to the whole Boulders trip thing here is some background: Boulders Climbing Gym is located on the east side of Madison off of Stoughton Road and Hwy 30. It is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the world of climbing and to build your climbing skills. We leave from Park Street Circle (that psuedo Cul-du-Sac where Park street runs into Lake Mendota between Memorial Union and College Library) and return there after climbing. No prior climbing experience is needed; beginners are encouraged to come out and see if you like it. Boulders is also the primary location where you can earn your B1 rating for the Hoofer Outing Club.

If you have any questions on Boulders Trips, climbing in the Hoofer Outing Club, or can drive feel free to email me.



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