Thursday, December 31, 2009

XC Ski Fri 1/1/10 at 1 pm

From: Mike Vidal

Happy New Years everyone,

Is anybody in town that wants to XC ski on Fri? I'd like to lead a
trip to the Monona Golf Course. Meet a PSC at 1pm to pick up gear.
Please email me if your thinking about coming. Maybe hit a coffee
place on the way home on Atwood for Hot Chocolate.

Monona Golf Course -- Located in Monona just east of Madison. The
outer loop of the golf course provides gentle beginner conditions -
the perfect place to practice skating technique without the added
challenge of hills. 2.3 miles of groomed easy trails. Restrooms,
parking. 111 Dean Ave.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Dec 29 Outing Club meeting

From: Dennis Mossholder

Hoofer Outing Club general meeting when the union is closed.
This Tuesdays meeting (the 29th) I will lead an impromptu meeting at State Street Brats starting at 7:00.
We can have some good food, beverages, and talk about what trips are planned for the coming year.
See you there.
Happy Holidays.
Dennis Mossholder

Candlelight ski/hike Saturday, 2 January 2010

From: Connie Lane,
Hey All,

Blue Mounds State Park will have its first candlelight event on Saturday, 2 January 2010, with lighted trails for skiing and snowshoeing open between 6 and 9 pm.

I'll lead a trip for any Hoofer who wants to ski or snowshoe. Meet at the PSC at 5 pm to gather gear (the club has everything you need for either sport). There will be a bonfire where you can sit and yak and warm yourself. On our way home, we'll patronize the Grumpy Troll in Mt. Horeb for dinner and beverages. We should be back in Madison before 11 pm.

Dress in layers and bring water to drink and some snacks, or money to buy snacks from the Friends of the Park stand that sells goodies. You'll also need money to eat at the Troll (good basic pub food), and $4 for the driver to pay for gas and park entry fees. If you are skiing, you'll need to buy a trail pass ($4/day, $20/annual, good throughout the state), but there is no trail fee for snowshoeing.

Below is the link for the current listing of candlelight ski and/or snowshoe events for this winter in Wisconsin State Parks. If you are not familiar with the candlelight events, there is more info at the website. Check back as the winter progresses because they sometimes add events.

Enjoy your holidays everyone.

Hoofers in the IAT newsletter!

From: Matt Kaufmann, Outing Club VP

Hello Hoofers!

Though winter only started, I want to reminisce for a little bit about this past July. Several Hoofers volunteered their weekend to join a Mobile Skills Crew event and build official Ice Age Trail near Cross Plains. Fun was had by all, and four of us even made the cover of the Ice Age Trail Alliance's quarterly mailing. Check it out at the link below. Hoofers has became the face of Ice Age Trail Alliance.... young, full of energy, and a can-do attitude! Way to be Hoofers!

Here is the link...

-Matt "Navs" Kaufmann, your Hoofer Outing Club VP

Monday, December 21, 2009

snowshoe Friday evening 1/1/10 under almost full moon

From Connie Lane

Are you in town and want to snowshoe for 2-3 hours Friday evening, January 1, when the moon comes up? Or XC ski? We'll stay in town and get some exercise at the golf course located on Speedway. I checked it out and the snow is in good condition. This is gently rolling hilly terrain and very beginner-friendly. It'll be a nice change-of-scenery for those of you who XC ski in town. There are no officially-groomed trails, but people in the neighborhood have set trails for skiing.

This is a perfect trip for first-time snowshoers. If you want to go, please e-mail me by 3:30 pm Friday so I know if anyone is showing up on such short notice. Wear warm layers (wool, polypropylene, warm boots, hat and gloves or mittens - it will be very cold). Meet at the PSC at 4:45 and get gear from the cage. We can be on the golf course by 5:30 when the "almost full" moon rises.

We'll snowshoe for an hour or two, then get a beer at the local tavern, either the one across from the golf course or at a tavern on Monroe on the way back to the union. We'll be back at the union by 8:30 or so.

No costs other than you beverage. Both taverns serve food if you want dinner.


Wanna ski the Birkie (or Korte) and need a place to stay?

From: Ned Rubert,

If you wanna ski (and you know you do) the Birkie or the Korte and need a place to stay (b/c sleeping in a tent at 0 F after skiing 30 (or 15) mi isn't as much fun), then you should contact me or talk to Rich Miller ASAP! We still have a few openings in Animal House at the infamous Delta Lodge for that weekend.


Lake jumping tonight! 12/21

From: Barnabe Achard

Hey Lake jumpers!
Re-location of lake jumping just for once !
Lake jumping tonight will take place in lake Monona at the end of S. Broom St !
Any interested Hoofer shall show up at 9h at 310 S Broom st. We wil jump shortly after!
Any question? email or call me!

608 772 7609

Friday, December 18, 2009

Study date in the Hoofer Lounge! Sunday 12/20

From: Mary Collins, President

Finals studying in the Hoofer Bradley Lounge!

For those of you who are academically inclined, I will be holding a study 'party' down in the Hoofer Bradley Lounge this Sunday from 8:30pm-11:59pm (the Union closes at midnight). There will be a fire in the fireplace, a plate of some sort of baked goods (feel free to bring something delicious), and cocoa/coffee. Bring a book or bring your homework! I think you will find that the lounge is a much cozier study space than Helen C. White Library, so come one, come all! Email me with questions. Feel free to come earlier than 8:30; the hoofer lounge is open to all hoofers during Union operating hours.

Happy studying,
Mary Collins

Thursday, December 17, 2009

XC ski this Sun 12/20 at Pleasant View Golf Course - 9 am

From: Mike Vidal

I'd like to lead a trip to Pleasant View golf course this Sun at 9am.

Lets meet at Park St. Circle at 9am to get skis etc. Dress for the weather, bring some water. A few dollars for gas and a snack etc.

Pleasant View is a close by Golf Course in Middleton that has some decent trails. The golf course has over 5 miles of groom trails.

The address is 4279 Pleasant View Rd. It's very near Black Hawk ski club.

Conditions and more info.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

XCSkiing @ Blue Mounds (Sat. 12/19)

From: Ned Rubert

I will be leading a XC ski trip to Blue Mounds SP (~45 min drive from downtown Madison) on Saturday 12/19. No previous XC skiing experience needed to go on this trip. To go, just meet at Park St. Circle at 9 AM, bring some cash for gas (~$5/person), a trail pass if you don't have one (~$4) and however much you want to spend on dinner at the Grumpy Troll (~$15 recommended). Bring a snack, water bottle and plenty of warm clothing. We'll get whatever skiing equipment we need from Hoofers, then drive to Blue Mounds SP and ski from ~10:30 AM until around 4 PM, and then grab dinner on the way back to Madison. If we have a mix of skill levels, I'll plan on giving a ski lesson and spend 1-2 h leading on the easier trails, and then split off after that for a more aggressive trek.


XC skiing Saturday 12/19

From: Carl Zimm

The nearby UW Arboretum features a 15 km system of traditional XC skiing trails winding thru scenic fields and forest. The slopes are mild, so it is a good place for learners. No permits or fees are required. I would like to lead a short trip at a mild pace, but we could split into fast and slow groups if there is interest. I have room for 5 in my car; we could add more people if there are more cars. Meet at ParkStCircle Sat 12 Dec at 1PM, return 3:30-4PM. Bring your own skis or try out the clubs (you must be a member for that). Email me if you are coming; let me know if you want to drive and take more passengers.
Carl Zimm

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saturday Morning Snowshoeing/Jogging 12/19

From: Morgan Leider

So it's the last weekend before finals. You'll wake up and you know you should be studying. But you also know you're too darn tired to think and study. So you waste away half the day being groggy, eating, facebooking, and procrastinating in general until you feel up to cracking open a book and studying around 3pm... BUT you don't have to. In fact, there's nothing like a good jog along the lake shore or some snowshoeing in the Arb to get the heart going and get you awake and alert enough to conquer all that studying you need to do.
8:30 AM on Saturday at Memorial Union. Meet at the circle. You can wait inside the glass doors in front of the theatre entrance if it's really cold.
We'll be done by 10:30 AM. And if people are up for it, we can go and get breakfast together on State Street afterwards.
What you need:
Some good shoes, and whatever winter workout attire you prefer.
What you need to do:
Email me whether you'd prefer jogging or snowshoeing if you'd like to go. I'll do whatever the majority of people prefer and then send out an email Friday night so we all know what we're doing.

WW Boaters: great deal on the Rada Lake Superior basin WW kayaking book

From: Connie Lane

Are you a WW kayaker who wants to get a great deal on the Rada book on the whitewater rivers in the Lake Superior basin?

Half Price books on Whitney Way (next to the Copp's grocery store) has a stack of brand new Rada books for only $9.98 each....that is less than half price and a great deal. They are sitting on a table on the south side of the store....



Monday, December 14, 2009

Climbing, Wednesday, Christmas Climbing Theme?

From: Morgan Leider

If anyone is interested in Climbing on Wednesday email me with when you'd like to go. I know it's the week before finals and most of you are busy. So I'm going to be a bit flexible on my scheduling. I'll leave at either 6:30, 7:00 or 7:30 depending on when people want to go, and send out an email to those who respond to let them know when to show up.
What I need to know:
Do you want to climb on Wednesday?
What time would you like to climb?
Should this be a themed climb where we dress up like Christmas and have Christmas cookies?
What you need to do:
Show up when I say we leave.
Bring $10 for the climbing pass. And $1 for your driver.
Bring flexible climbing clothes. (possibly an outfit)
Bring money for Culver's if you feel like ice cream afterwards.
See you there!

SK Interest Meeting Tomorrow 12/15

From Meghan McGarry

Hi all,
Just a reminder, the Sea Kayaking interest group meeting will be this Tuesday (Dec 15) after the general outing club meeting (~7:30). We'll meet in the Rathskeller unless it's too noisy, in which case we'll retreat to the hoofer lounge.

The agenda is to vote on a new SK chair for the coming year. Anyone with an interest in sea kayaking is encouraged to come. Please let me know if you have any other items you wish to see added to the agenda.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Study Date 12/13

From: Matt Kaufmann

It is that time of year again! Time to cram for finals. Time to finish (or start) final papers. It is also the time of year when the libraries are standing room only. Finding a semi-quiet study spot can be a challenge.... but it canalso be a treat! Yes, I am going to Culver's Sunday evening for a study session! If you want to come, drop me an email. Vehicle space limited. Bring your laptops because I am pretty sure Culver's is a wireless hotspot. I have never done this before.

Here is the plan...

Meet at Park Street Circle at 7:00 pm. Go to Culver's off the Beltline on Todd Drive. Eat, study, get Culverized. I am thinking an 11pm'ish return time to Park Street Circle. Drop me an email if you are in.

--Matt "Navs" Kaufmann

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cross country skiing - Indian Lake - Saturday 12/12

From: Nate Frenczak

I'm leading/organizing a cross country skiing trip to Indian Lake - a 30-40 minute drive from downtown. We're meeting tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:45am at Park Street Circle (by the Union Theatre) to gather up the needed gear. We hope to leave about 10am, and return sometime before 5pm. It's possible that we may make this a traditional Hoofers trip by stopping at Culver's for dinner on the way home.

All skill levels are welcome. Indian Lake has several different loops, all groomed.

Our limiting factor will be vehicles. I can bring 3 people (4 will be cozy but doable). Please email me to reserve a spot. If you have a car and can drive, that will help too. I will check my email tonight and again by 8:30am in the morning.

The Hoofers will/can provide skis, poles, and boots.

You will need to provide:
-snow pants, gloves, hat, wool socks, long underwear, etc....
-a water bottle (preferable filled with water for this trip)
-a snack
-sunglasses might be nice
-$7 for a trail pass, plus $8+ for gas and food

Let me know if you have any questions,
Nate Frenczak

Last Pool Session of the Semester - This Sunday 12/13 - Intermediate Rolling, Lake Lesson, and Kayak Polo

From Tricia Nason, Pool Session Coordinator

Hi there Hoofer,

We have one last pool session this semester and it is this Sunday and we have lots of exciting things going on.

Lake Lesson - If you are just starting boating with the club, this is for you. You have to take this lesson before you can use a club boat outdoors and it teachs you everything you need to know to get started.

Intermediate Rolling - This lesson will help you move from having a roll that works in the pool to a roll that will consistently work on the river and it provides an excellent workout for your roll.

Kayak Polo - By popular demand, kayak polo is back this week. It is what it sounds like and it is an absolute blast.

There will also be instruction in basic rolling or other topics by request.

As an added bonus I am again offering a mini-candy bar to anyone who is attending their first session, who gets their first roll or does the roll of the day.

There are still a few tickets left for this Sunday. If you would like to come, come to Park Street Circle at 1 pm this Sunday and bring $5 and a swim suit. No ratings required. No special knowledge required. We will be back at PSC by 5 pm. If you would like to join us for dinner afterwards you should bring $10.

Hope to see you at the pool,


XC skiing trip, Sat 12/12 1PM, UW Arboretum

From: Carl Zimm

The nearby UW Arboretum features a 15 km system of traditional XC skiing trails winding thru scenic fields and forest. The slopes are mild, so it is a good place for learners. No permits or fees are required. I would like to lead a short trip at a mild pace, but we could split into fast and slow groups if there is interest. I have room for 5 in my car; we could add more people if there are more cars. Meet at ParkStCircle Sat 12 Dec at 1PM, return 3:30-4PM. Bring your own skis or try out the clubs (you must be a member for that). Email me if you are coming; let me know if you want to drive and take more passengers.
Carl Zimm

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Freehealin' for Free! Cascade Skiing Saturday 12/12

From: Will Marquardt (

Hey folks,

Apparently if the rumors are true that Erik's Bike Shop (University Square) are giving away free lift tickets to Cascade for this weekend... WE ARE GOING TELEMARK SKIING SATURDAY NIGHT!

Right now further participation is hinging upon transportation creation. Let me know regardless of if you can drive or not, because that is what would limit our convoy. First come, first serve system for filling seats.


>Club has all the gear you need for telemark stunting.

>Some instruction can be provided for novice skiiers, but keep in mind that this is a shorter trip.

>Get your lift-ticket at Erik's Bike Shop on University.

>Depending on any stipulations they have hour-wise, we'll go for the last several hours (?-10pm).

Please reply with your contact info. if interested, or if you have any questions.

-Will Marquardt

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nominate a November Hoofer of the Month!

From: Caroline Rose

Hoofer of the Month is an award given to a Hoofer member who has been an exceptional leader in the club this past month, has shown great dedication, and should be recognized for their contribution. The outing club exec. board votes for a Hoofer of the Month within the Outing Club, and Hoofer Council (the governing body for all six Hoofer clubs) votes for a Hoofer of the month as well.

With that in mind, if you think there is someone in Hoofers who deserves this award, send us a nomination! Send a brief paragraph explaining why a certain person is deserving of this recognition, and the nominations will be considered at the next meeting...

Nominations to Hoofer Council may be sent to:
me (Caroline Rose, Outing Club's representative to Hoofer Council)
or Nick, Our Hoofer Council secretary

Mary, our president, ( would be happy to accept nominations for the Outing Club Hoofer of the Month.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

still room for caving 12/20

From: Priscilla Erickson

For those of you who will still be around Madison on Dec 20th, there will be an intermediate caving trip to Skunk Cave in Iowa. This trip is being organized by the Wisconsin Speleological Society and Houssam Nassif. There will only be room for TWO Hoofers on this trip, so if interested, please reply soon with your name, contact information, and caving experience. Info is copied below. Questions? Email me.

Sunday Dec 20th
Meet at PSC at 8:30 am. Get back to Madison around 10 pm
Will have dinner on the way back

The cave:
Skunk is a unique cave, as it is formed by cracks in a cliff rock. The cracks are long, narrow and perpendicular to each other, forming a grid.
It is a challenging cave:
- you will have to chimney on a smooth surface
- advance thru a canyon by exerting lateral pressure on the walls. the walls form a very narrow V, where you can not walk
- pass thru an inclined key-hole
- at the end of the cave-tour, there is an optional wet section

It is a very interesting and different cave.
To come on this trip, you should have been on at least one caving trip (preferably more), comfortable caving and ready to be challenged.

What you should bring:
* Urge for underground adventure
* Batteries for headlamps (8 AA)
* One extra light (flashlight works)
* $ for gas and dinner
* Gloves
* Clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting dirty (avoid cotton if possible)
* A trash bag for your dirty clothes
* Fresh clothes and shoes to change into after caving
* A snack or box-lunch
* A towel
* Knee pads

The club will provide helmets and headlamps.
The club also sells gloves and knee pads

The cave entrance is right on the road. We will be changing in/next to the cars, in front of the cave entrance.
Dress according to weather

If interested, please email me!

SK Interest Meeting Postponed until 12/15

From: Meghan McGarry, Sea Kayaking Co-Chair

Hi all,
Due to the impending WINTER STORM, I won't be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow night. Let's reschedule the SK interest meeting for next week, Tuesday Dec 15 after the regular outing meeting (around 7:30).

The upside is this gives you all another week to send me nominations for our new chair! (and feel free to nominate yourself!)


On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Meghan McGarry wrote:

Hi All,
We'll have a SK interest group meeting next Tuesday, Dec 8, after the regular outing club meeting to choose the next Sea Kayaking Chair! If you are interested in becoming the chair, or would like to nominate someone, please let me know between now and then. If you have any questions about the job description, feel free to email me.

We'll meet in the Rathskeller unless it's too noisy.


Lake Lesson and Polo @ Pool Session Sunday 12/13

From: Ned Rubert

After some discussion and deliberation, it was determined possible to both offer a kayak lake lesson and to play kayak polo in Natatorium pool this Sunday (12/13). Caroline and I will be offering a Lake lesson for those who wish to earn their Hoofers Kayak Lake Rating (signups TBA). Since I'll be busy with the Lake Lesson, kayak polo will happen contingent upon whether somebody volunteers to referee. For either event, or to learn how to roll, you will need to purchase a Pool Session ticket ($5) from Tricia (at the Tuesday evening meeting) or from the Outdoor Programs Office (during business hours).


Wednesday Climbing at Boulder's, The first Coming! 12/9

From: Morgan Leider

Wednesday, 6:30pm You probably know the drill. If not, just show up and I'll teach you everything you need to know. Come partake in one of the only 3 real sports! Conquor your fear of heights! And strike an amazing pose for the camera! (There might even be belated birthday cookies for everyone if 12/6/89 shows up and I find out what she likes.)
-When/Where: 6:30pm, Park Street Circle, Wednesday the 9th of December
-What do I need?: $10 for the day pass, $1 gas for your driver, and money for ice cream if you want some on the way home.
-What should I wear?: Jogging or yoga pants work well. I'd recommend against short baggy shorts. Basically something flexible that breathes.
-Gear?: The club has all the gear you should need. So you don't need to rent anything.
If you have any questions just drop me a call or an email!

Last Pool Session of the Semester - Intermediate Rolling Lesson offered 12/13

From: Tricia Nason
Hi Hoofers,

The last pool session of the semester will be Sunday December 13. Pool sessions are an excellent opportunity to get started kayaking, learn to roll, learn new skills or practice skills you already have. Moreover, it is a ton of fun. There will be instruction at all levels from "How do I get into the boat" through advance rolls. The roll of the day will be a combat roll analog and you will have to come to find out just what that is. As an incentive, I am offering fun size candy bars to anyone who can do the roll of the day, gets their first roll or comes to a session for the first time. You need to buy a ticket at the meeting or from the office during business hours (over the phone at 262-1630) for $5 and you need to bring a swim suit to the pool.

I am going to teach an intermediate rolling class. This class is aimed at people who have recently learned to roll and it works most of the time in the pool. This class is also very appropriate for experienced rollers who need a tune-up or just a workout and they are encourage to attend. The goal is develop a combat roll that will work reliably on the river. This class is a lot of fun, but very tiring as it involves a lot of rolling games that can be very intense. In order to reliably combat roll you need to be able to get into your setup position and roll no matter how you flip and without setting up before you go over, so that is the focus of this class.

I hear a rumor their may be a lake lesson offered as well.

Hope to see you there,


Intermediate Caving Trip Dec 20th

From: Priscilla Erickson (priscilla.erickson@g

For those of you who will still be around Madison on Dec 20th, there will be an intermediate caving trip to Skunk Cave in Iowa. This trip is being organized by the Wisconsin Speleological Society. There will only be room for TWO Hoofers on this trip, so if interested, please reply soon with your name, contact information, and caving experience. Info is copied below. Questions? Email me.

Sunday Dec 20th
Meet at PSC at 8:30 am. Get back to Madison around 10 pm
Will have dinner on the way back

The cave:
Skunk is a unique cave, as it is formed by cracks in a cliff rock. The cracks are long, narrow and perpendicular to each other, forming a grid.
It is a challenging cave:
- you will have to chimney on a smooth surface
- advance thru a canyon by exerting lateral pressure on the walls. the walls form a very narrow V, where you can not walk
- pass thru an inclined key-hole
- at the end of the cave-tour, there is an optional wet section

It is a very interesting and different cave.
To come on this trip, you should have been on at least one caving trip (preferably more), comfortable caving and ready to be challenged.

What you should bring:
* Urge for underground adventure
* Batteries for headlamps (8 AA)
* One extra light (flashlight works)
* $ for gas and dinner
* Gloves
* Clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting dirty (avoid cotton if possible)
* A trash bag for your dirty clothes
* Fresh clothes and shoes to change into after caving
* A snack or box-lunch
* A towel
* Knee pads

The club will provide helmets and headlamps.
The club also sells gloves and knee pads

The cave entrance is right on the road. We will be changing in/next to the cars, in front of the cave entrance.
Dress according to weather

If interested, please email me! priscilla.erickson@g

July 2010 Scenic Shores 150!

From: Jon Wood

Hi All,

Last year several HOC members participated in a charity bike ride called the Scenic Shores 150. It a 150-mile bike ride from Mequon, WI to Sturgeon Bay, WI along the beautiful Lake Michigan coast line that helps to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Wisconsin, an organization that funds research to cure various blood-related cancers. The members that joined in on the fun last year can describe in detail the great time we had; whether it was the all you can eat dinner and snack stations, the free bike repair, the unlimited beer (that's right…all the beer you could drink), the areas we got to bike through, the people we all met…the list just goes on and on. Also, while it may seems like a long way, everyone who went on the trip can tell you that with the number of rest stops you hit and the splitting of the route over two days (75 miles a day) the ride is incredibly easy and well organized.

Now, you may be asking yourself: "Why is Jon sending this out now when the ride is in July"? Well, I'll tell you why. The event is a fundraising event and as such I would like to give people as much time as possible to plan and do fundraising. For more information go to and search for the 2010 Scenic Shores 150 Bike Tour (or go to Google, that's what I did too). Sign up has already begun so if you would like to get in on the action you can start right away; once folks are signed up we can get our team together.

So why should you get involved with this? Basically 3 reasons:
1) It is a great opportunity to help fight a major medical concern our society is facing and to raise funds for a worhy cause

2) It is fantastic publicity for the HOC (there were hunderds of participates last year and by the end of the trip practically everyone knew who the Hoofers were, where we were from, and what we do.)

3) It was a great chance to spend two days biking along the Lake Michigan lakeshore, enjoying sunshine-filled days, time with friends, and just having a great experience.

Please give this opportunity consideration and email me with any questions you may have. I'm update everyone as we get closer t

Jon Wood

Monday, December 7, 2009

Gear Return December

From: Matt Kaufmann

Hello Hoofers!

A most happy December to everyone! It is your HOC VP emailing with an important message. I am declaring this month "Gear Return December"! In other words, gear amnesty has been granted. If you have in your possession a piece of club gear, you are requested to return it promptly and no questions will be asked. Please bring gear to the 7pm Tuesday meetings (12/1, 12/8, 12/15) or get in touch with any activity chair or anyone emailing the club listserv to return club gear. Any and all Hoofer Outing Club members are encouraged to participate in this month long event.


--Matt "Navs" Kaufmann

UW-Stevens Point - Adventure Tours: Dublin, Isle of Man, Lake District

Please see below for adventure tours, guided by a UW-Stevens Point professor emeritus. Contact for more information.

From: barb & john munson <>
Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 7:03 PM
Subject: UW-Stevens Point - Adventure Tours

To Whom It May Concern:

For the past 30 years the School of Health Promotion and Human Development at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point has offered hiking and biking tours to adults as a means of enhancing personal wellness. We have done this on a very limited budget and in fact have little advertising funds available to let people know of our wonderful excursions. Would you be willing to let your club members know of the attached hiking trip to Dublin, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Lake District of England? Participants who sign up by January 1st and submit a deposit can receive a $200 reduction in the cost of the trip.

I will lead this excursion and am very familiar with the hiking that we will encounter. It offers participants all levels of activity and is a wonderful exploration of many different cultures. If anyone would like more information, please have them call me at 715-340-4855. Thank you for assisting us in getting out the word on this hiking adventure.


Dr. John Munson

Professor Emeritus – Health Promotion

University of Stevens Point

Sunday, December 6, 2009

LAKE JUMPING, Monday 12/7! 9:45pm

From Morgan Leider

Yeah that's right! Lake jumping is back and colder than ever! All the adrenaline of skydiving without having to jump out of a plane!!!! At the crew docks, Monday night, 9:45pm.
See you there!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pool Session this Sunday! 12/6

From: Tricia Nason
Hi Hoofers,

There are still a couple of spots remaining in this Sunday's pool session, so come meet us at PSC this Sunday at 1 pm and prepare to have fun. You need to bring $5 and a swim suit and we will spend 2 hours in the pool. This sunday we will be playing kayak polo which is a ton of fun and the roll of the day is the hand roll (useful in kayak polo). There will, as always, be instruction at all levels from "What is this thing" through advanced rolls. I will be giving instruction in the hand roll in particular for the first hour, but regular rolling will be taught as well.

As an additional incentive, this Sunday I will be offering fun size candy bars to anyone who can

-show me a hand roll by the end of the session
-gets their first roll during the session
-this is the first session they have come to

Hope to see you there,


House on the Rock Holiday Lighting 12/6

From: Ned Rubert

The trip to House on the Rock to see the holiday lighting is on! Meet at Park St. Circle at 9 AM Sat. 12/12. Please bring your car if you are willing to drive; unneeded cars will get parked at UW Credit Union on the way out of town.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

plant prairie in Cross Plains Saturday morning, 5 December

From: Connie Lane

Hey All,

Another tract of native prairie, which eventually will contain a section of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, will be planted this Saturday morning south of Cross Plains. If you want to contribute to the trail, this is by far one of the easiest tasks volunteers can do. You walk around in a tract of land that has been plotted into a grid, and fling seeds other volunteers (school kids, retired people, regular trail volunteers) collected over the past year throughout Wisconsin. In two years, a beautiful prairie will flower, and once the plants are firmly established, trail will be built.

If anyone wants to plant prairie this weekend, please e-mail me ( and I will coordinate rides. Plan to meet at 8:30 am at the UW Credit Union on University Avenue. We'll carpool to Cross Plains and plant seeds for about 3 hours. It will be colder than last month (when it was 70 degrees!), but we'll bring hot drinks and the IAT leader is bringing drinking food and drinks. Dress warm and wear good shoes/boots, and you will be fine.

This event was inadvertently left off the Ice Age Trail calendar, but it is happening.


Hoofers Offers Free Kiting Class for people with disabilities, Sat, Dec 5, U-Bay Fields, 10 am to noon

From: Marc Kennedy <>
Date: December 2, 2009 2:59:02 PM CST
To: Marc Kennedy <>
Subject: Hoofers Offers Free Kiting Class for people with disabilities, Sat, Dec 5, U-Bay Fields, 10 am to noon

WU Hoofer_logo.jpg

For Immediate Release For Immediate Release Contact: Tom Barry, Hoofer Sailing Head of Instruction
December 2, 2009 608-265-3111; cell 608-695-7883;

Saturday, December 5
10 am to Noon
University Bay Fields

The UW Hoofer Sailing Club with the UW-Madison Department of Kinesiology will be holding the first-ever performance kiting class for people in wheelchairs and accessibility challenges on Saturday, December 5, at University Bay Fields from 10 am to noon. The class is free thanks to a trust fund established by the family of Leonard Bessman, a long-time Hoofer.

“Six people are already signed up for this course,” said Hoofer Sailing Club Head of Instruction Tom Barry. “Six kiting instructors will be showing these students the finer aspects of flying high performance kites.”

This long-lasting partnership between Hoofer Sailing Club and Kinesiology Department offers a great outdoor education to people with disabilities, Barry added. It’s possible due to the Leonard Bessman scholarship fund, established to help teach people with disabilities to ski, sail and enjoy other outdoor activities. Bessman was a Hoofer Sailing Club member from 1977 until his death in 1993. A retired federal judge and World War II veteran, Bessman is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. His family created the trust fund in his name.

As a Hoofer instructor in the 1980s, Barry taught Bessman to sail. “We loved Leonard, his smile, his sharp mind, his gentile demeanor. For me it’s an honor to put together such a fun program for students and teachers and honor one of my favorite sailors. This allows us to recognize him for a long time to come.”

For more information about this program, Hoofer Sailing or the Bessman fund, contact Tom Barry, Head of Instruction, UW Hoofer Sailing Club,, 608-265-3111, cell 608-695-7883, or



Marc Kennedy

Communications Director

Wisconsin Union

608 262-5079

608 347-8630 (cell)

608 262-5487 (fax)

For Union event updates, visit

Adventure Rock Climbing Gym Trip 12/10/2009

From: Jon Wood


2) Adventure Rock Climbing Gym Trip 12/10/2009

Hi All,

I know this is a bit of short notice with so many of you facing the impending challenges of project due dates, final exams and, dare I say, graduation, but I wanted to get one more Adventure Rock trip in before the semester is over. It's a great way to get rid of a little stress and hang out with some great folks. There will be an A-Rock trip leaving from PSC at 6:00pm, getting back to Madison around 11:30pm, on 12/10/2009. A B1 rating is not required but it is recommended as if this is your first time you will need to be belay tested by A-Rock staff. The skills required for a B1 rating in HOC should adequately prepare you to pass this test. Plan to bring $20 at a minimum; this should cover a day pass of $15 and still have a couple of bucks for gas.

Sign up for this will be via email and will run though 12:00pm CDT 12/9/2009. If you can drive please let me know; this doesn't mean that you will have to drive however the more possible drivers we have the more people we can take. Sign up is on a first come,first serve basis. If you need gear please show up at PSC at 5:30pm. If you can't make it then please let me know what you need, and if you know what size you need, when you email me.

Jon Wood

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Need winter gear? Ski and Snowboard resale is this weekend! 12/3-12/5

From: Caroline Rose

Hoofer Ski and Snowboard Club is hosting their resale, a huge gear sale, at Memorial Union this weekend. The sale features winter apparel, skis, snowboards, and all related gear.

December 5th (Saturday) 9 am - 5 pm
December 6th (Sunday) 9 am - 3 pm

Looking for more info? Want to volunteer to work at the event? See

SK Interest Meeting 12/8

From: Meghan McGarry, Sea Kayaking Co-Chair

Hi All,
We'll have a SK interest group meeting next Tuesday, Dec 8, after the regular outing club meeting to choose the next Sea Kayaking Chair! If you are interested in becoming the chair, or would like to nominate someone, please let me know between now and then. If you have any questions about the job description, feel free to email me.

We'll meet in the Rathskeller unless it's too noisy.


12/3: Wednesday climbing!.... The Second Coming

From: Matt Kaufmann


The Second Coming will be climbing this Wednesday!

A strut is required for this trip...

Meet at the Lower Office at 7:30 pm if you need gear (shoes, harness,...).
We will get to Boulder's at 7:55 and climb until the gym closes at 10.
Bring $10 for day pass and $1 for gas.
Beginners especially welcome to come and boulder... all the cool people do it.
Reply to this email stating you are coming and if you need club gear.

--Matt "Navs" Kaufmann

p.s. This is the second wave of climbers going out Wednesday evening. The first wave is being led by Morgan with a time of departure set at 6:30pm. This group meets at PSC.
p.p.s. Call my cell @ 262-689-8811 for anything pertinent.

12/4: Friday Night Hoofer Social / Colorado Backpacking Picture Exchange / Pizza & Movie party

From: Morgan Lieder

Well the title says pretty much everything, but here goes!
In case you didn't hear, I decided to go winter backpacking this past week in Colorado in a place where show can be dumped on you by the foot, the air is rediculously cold, the altitude gains from all the hills you climb over the course of a day can be up to twice the height of the Empire State Building, there's boulders bigger than Memorial Union all around, and altitude sickness can take you out and leave you freezing to death. And through a series of cheap tricks and pickup lines and promises of amazing sights I managed to con 9 foolish victims into comming on the trip with me to the middle of nowhere on Thanksgiving where we were the only ones on the trail, there's no place to run, and there was nobody around to hear them scream!!
I was of course going for the mythical HBH (Hoofer Backpacking Hardcore) rating where you need to be able to lead extreme trips in the harshest of weather conditions, pull all your turns on icy gravel roads leading off cliffs with no side rails using the e-brake, drink dirty water with your oatmeal, and sacrifice a group member or two to the wild for the greater good! (pleaste note, the HBH rating may be just a thing of myth and legends and is not officially recognized by the club) Everything was going well for my new rating, and Navs was even praying for Santa Morgan to kiel over and leave him a brand new turbo diesel to go loot for Christmas. And I had a crazy German show up with nothing but cotton pants and sneakers that wanted to go kill a bear with a pocket knife because he told his friend he's bring back a bear skin for him. I mean, you can't spell out the definition of casualty much better than that. But then the UNTHINKABLE happened! Everyone lived!! Not only did I not qualify for HBH but nobody even lost a finger or toe so I couldn't even qualify for a HBH-P rating.
(please note, the previous paragraph may be 83% made-up sarcasm and bs)
So what does this mean to all of you? It means we have a whole ton of awesome photos to exchange and share! And I just got Fight Club on blu-ray in the mail and I haven't seen it in like 10 years. SOOOO, I'm throwing a hoofer social, movie, pizza, picture exchange at my place! I'll be making up a few of my giant homemade 16" pizzas and we can come hang out, watch Fight Club, and look at and talk about all the amazing photos on the trip. There might even be a Dairy Queen ice cream cake involved
Unfortunately, I don't have unlimited space at my place. So I'm going to have to limit this to around 25 or so people total, and I'm going to have to be somewhat selective. So sorry in advance if you don't get in. (The people who were on the trip are of course guaranteed spots.)
Time: 8pm on Friday November 4th.
Location: I'll tell you by email if you get in, there will likely be a car shuttle to get people there.
Cost: $5
Also, if you'd be willing to show up around 6pm to help me prepare food and rearrange the living room and my stereo for the event please let me know as I could use 1 helper or so. Unless of course you're an uncouth walking disaster in the kitchen.
What I need to know:
Who are you?
Can you drive people? If so how many?
Have you seen Fight Club before?
Why do you want to come?
What's the right way to eat a reese's pieces?
Where do you want to go backpacking the most?

Mountain Bike Activity Chair Up For Grabs

From: Craig Peterson, Mountain Biking Chair

No, it is not a super cool new piece of leisure gear. It is a spot on the Outing Club Executive Board.
Things have become very busy for me as of late and I have been neglecting my duties. So, I appeal to all mountain bikers to volunteer for this position. All you have to do is be an active member, go the exec board meetings, promote mountain biking, and spend your budget dollars on cool new gear (like the black Gary Fisher we purchased last year).
If you are interested please send me an e-mail ( and I will compile a list and send it to Mary. From that list, there will be nominations and an election soon after.
I think that covers it.
