Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last Pool Session of the Semester - Intermediate Rolling Lesson offered 12/13

From: Tricia Nason
Hi Hoofers,

The last pool session of the semester will be Sunday December 13. Pool sessions are an excellent opportunity to get started kayaking, learn to roll, learn new skills or practice skills you already have. Moreover, it is a ton of fun. There will be instruction at all levels from "How do I get into the boat" through advance rolls. The roll of the day will be a combat roll analog and you will have to come to find out just what that is. As an incentive, I am offering fun size candy bars to anyone who can do the roll of the day, gets their first roll or comes to a session for the first time. You need to buy a ticket at the meeting or from the office during business hours (over the phone at 262-1630) for $5 and you need to bring a swim suit to the pool.

I am going to teach an intermediate rolling class. This class is aimed at people who have recently learned to roll and it works most of the time in the pool. This class is also very appropriate for experienced rollers who need a tune-up or just a workout and they are encourage to attend. The goal is develop a combat roll that will work reliably on the river. This class is a lot of fun, but very tiring as it involves a lot of rolling games that can be very intense. In order to reliably combat roll you need to be able to get into your setup position and roll no matter how you flip and without setting up before you go over, so that is the focus of this class.

I hear a rumor their may be a lake lesson offered as well.

Hope to see you there,


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