Monday, November 30, 2009

Help enter memberships into the new database! 12/2

From: Caroline Rose

So, we are currently building an All-Hoofer database of all memberships so that we have quick and easy access to membership information from individual emergency contacts to organization-wide statistics. This database will make a new website possible, including signup for trips, hopefully a calendar, etc. All current Hoofer memberships (from all 6 clubs) are in the database HOWEVER we have several years of previous memberships we would like to get into the database for statistics, so we can contact alumni, etc.

Many Hoofers have been working on membership entry, but the Outing Club has a LOT of members and many years of memberships to enter, so we would love even more help.
I am leading a trip into the Hoofer database to enter as many memberships as we can on Wednesday, December 2. I will be in the Hoofer Lounge at 5:30 pm on Wed, Dec. 2 (or elsewhere--I'll let you know-- if there's a meeting in there) with my laptop to enter memberships until I leave for climbing (7:30 if there's a second wave of climbers, 6:30 if not.) Everybody is encouraged to join me. The database is web-based, so bring a laptop with internet capability if you can, if not, we will find a Hoofer computer for you.

If you can drop by the main Hoofer office during some free time, Erin, the Hoofer intern, or Jim or Linda, the Hoofer advisors, can get you set up to enter memberships any time.

Email me if you're attending on Wednesday, but you're encouraged to show up even if you didn't let me know in advance.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Outing Representative to Hoofer Council

Union Renovation- updated contact info!

From Caroline Rose:

~~Old Info~~
After the construction of the new Union South, the UW plans to begin a renovation of the theatre wing of Memorial Union (~2011 or 2012). The entire Hoofers area is included in this project.
What we are asking for right now is ideas regarding the design of our new space. What would you like to see in the renovated Hoofers area? Are there things you like or don't like about the current setup? Is there a way we could improve meeting areas, work areas, the way we store and organize equipment, etc.? I will compile ideas from the Outing Club and bring them to the Hoofer Council members in charge of the planning. I would at least like to hear from every interest group.

--New Info--
I am compiling all Outing Club requests and will be handing a prioritized list of these to the committees who will begin drawing up plan ideas.

Kyle Olsen, our All-Hoofer renovations chair, would like suggestions from the clubs by next week Monday (December 7). If you have questions or would like to be more involved in the planning process, his email is ------> <------ I had sent out an outdated email address in previous emails. Thank you very much if you have already given me input. If you haven't, please let me know your thoughts on this within the week. This isn't the absolute deadline for planning-- we're just trying to keep ahead of the Union plans so we can push for inclusion of everything we want. Thanks for your ideas!
Caroline Rose
Outing Club Representative to Hoofer Council

DELTA LODGE - jan 14-18 - signup this tues!

From: Tiana Riebe

Hey All!

GET EXCITED!!!! the BEST trip of the winter is here! Delta Lodge simply rocks- there is nothing else to say.

This is the first of several emails that will be sent out about delta lodge! If you are asking yourself what is delta lodge, scroll down to the bottom and read the lovely trip description found at the ***** at the bottom.

DATES*****Now, first things first. The trip will be from Thursday Jan 14th sometime (whenever your car leaves) thru Monday Jan18th. It is about a 6 hour car ride up to Delta, Wisconsin. The first cars will leave in the morning on thrusday and then we leave Delta, WI around noon on Monday. There are usually a few cars that leave later thurs, friday or sunday night so that may be an option. Now all the driving stuff is just an estimate because there is sometimes weather so just take that into account when you are siging up.

WHO****** The trip is limited to 28 people spread out between 3 cabins. This is the absolute maximum as the number is controlled by how much their septic system can handle! We

DRIVERS***** If you have a reliable car and would like to drive, you will be reimbursed the cost of reasonable gas use. Drivers get some sort of a priority but it also depends on some other factors like car reliability (it is really important to have GOOD reliable cars and drivers for this trip.

COST***** the cost of this trip will be $160. This includes DELICIOUS meals, all transportation, and the nice cabins we stay in for all 5 days of the trip. You will need to provide your own meals for the drive up and the drive back. Thursday night we eat at a near by northwoods bar that we ski to and then on Monday we stop at the delta diner. Money for these two restaurant stops would be good. You will also need to pay for trail passes for skiing (aprox. 5$ per day)

SIGN UP******Sign up will be as announced last week- On this Tuesday DEC 1! THAT IS TOMORROW! The deposit that is due is $80 in cash or check. Sign up will start at 6:30 pm tue dec 1st in the hoofer lounge. Drivers will be asked to pay in full initially and then be refunded the cost of gas once we return. The second deposit of $80 is due by December 22 to either myself, Niki, or the Outdoor Programs Office. You can pay up to the full amount anytime (either tonight or at the outdoor programs office. ) ALL Money for the trip needs to be in by Dec 22nd. The Drop out deadline for a FULL refund is Jan 5th. After that, you will only be able to get a full refund if we find someone to take your place on the trip.

OTHER***** This trip is a blast! It is my absolute favorite trip and I have been on it every year since I came to UW madison as a freshman in 2004. I have never laughed so hard as when on this trip! Hoofers will have all the ski gear you need, you just need to provide clothes to keep yourself warm in very cold temperatures. There is sometimes a snow shoe group that goes out for a day or two. If you are interested in leading that, please let me know. A very detailed list will come out later to trip participants so don't worry about that.

I think that is all for now, if you have any questions, please re read this email. If you still have a question, you may email me or Niki, the other trip leader. Get excited for a great trip and we'll see you tomorrow with $80 for sign up!

With Hoofer Love,

The Delta Lodge trip is so named after the wonderful cabins that we stay in up in Delta, WI (middle of nowhere NW Wisconsin if looking for it on a map) We stay at these nice cabins (some with saunas and wood burning fire places) and then cross country ski for 4 days. On Thursday we have a wonderful night ski over to a nearby northwoods bar for dinner and then ski home across the frozen lakes. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we ski at local cross county ski destinations that are absolutely beautiful! We hang out in the warming huts between loops, push people over in the snow, laugh your ass off at Jack, and learn how to cross country ski. We then head home (to our cabins) and cook delicious dinner for everyone! On Saturday night, we go over to the Delta Club House and have a little party usually consisting of a game of pool, brownies, inappropriate phallic shaped cookies and ice cream and never ending uno! After we area all skied out, we head home on Monday stopping at the Delta Diner for ridiculously awesome breakfast (they open specially for us).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Help with boats and gear Saturday, 28 November

Hey All,

Can any boater or HOC member who is around the Saturday after Thanksgiving come to the boathouse and help mark new gear? This is an easy task that anyone can do, so please volunteer and put in a little time.

We have at least six boats (both WW and sea kayaks) as well as numerous new paddles and wetsuits that need to have HOC emblems emblazoned on them. It should not take more than an hour or so once we get started.

Saturday will be a relatively balmy 45, so there are plans in the works for afternoon boating trips either on Lake Mendota or at Lake Columbia. Stay tuned to the announce lists or come to the meeting for paddling trip details.

We'll start marking boats and gear at 10 am so that gear will be dry by the time it is needed for paddling. Please e-mail me if you can help.

If there is any new canoe gear that needs marking, please let me know.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Official Lake Jumping will resume on November 30th

Don't worry! We've still got plenty of crazies in the club and while I was too busy to run it tonight come next Monday we will re-commence jumping into cold water and calling it fun!
So come on out on Monday the 30th and try to shiver some of that turkey and mashed potatoes off, then follow it up with some hot cocoa and candy! Even the Danish girls are doing it!
So bring a towel, wear a swimsuit under your clothes, and get ready for some BAD DECISIONS!!!
(And guys, just so you know, if the Danish girls do it and you don't, YES they're more man than you are!)
See you there!
(I'm officially taking over lake jumping now, so if you have any questions, just direct them to me.)

Interested in Outing Resale Spring 2010?

First of all, this is NOT a request for volunteers for the event. In fact, the event is in no way formed. That's why you're reading this.

I'm looking for a handful of people willing to commit no more than 6-10 hours total over the next two weeks to:

1. Decide if a gear resale is worth doing.

2. If a resale does make sense, create an outline of the process and hash out as many details as necessary. This procedural outline will be the basis for building a successful and ideally annual resale for the next few years.

Who should be interested in this? It doesn't matter how little or long you've been in the club, if the idea of writing procedures makes your heart flutter or you're getting a degree in something like poli sci and need to boost that resume with your new found debate and large event planning skills, this may be for you. Same goes for Retail people or anyone else with an interest in the commercial side of outdoor recreation.

Email me with your:
Level of interest
Why you're interested
Time commitment ability

First meeting will likely be the Tuesday after Thanksgiving at 6pm.


Union Renovation---we want your input!

From: Caroline Rose

After the construction of the new Union South, the UW plans to begin a renovation of the theatre wing of Memorial Union (~2011 or 2012). The entire Hoofers area is included in this project.
What we are asking for right now is ideas regarding the design of our new space. What would you like to see in the renovated Hoofers area? Are there things you like or don't like about the current setup? Is there a way we could improve meeting areas, work areas, the way we store and organize equipment, etc.? I will compile ideas from the Outing Club and bring them to the Hoofer Council members in charge of the planning. I would at least like to hear from every interest group.

Kyle Olsen, a former Hoofer president, is our Hoofer Council Renovations Chair; he and other Hoofer Council members will be coordinating the planning of the new Hoofers area and will do their best to see that our proposals make it into the final project plans. They are looking for input from any Hoofer who wants to be involved. If you would like to be involved in the planning process, they will be putting together some meetings in the near future. I will continue to send updates on that, but if you are interested in meeting to discuss the new designs, you can contact Kyle at

If anyone has experience/ expertise in CAD, Kyle would be interested in working with you.

Caroline Rose
Outing Rep to Hoofer Council

Riley Tavern bike ride this Sunday, 11/22/09

From: Mary Collins

This Sunday, November 22, I will lead a group of Hoofers on a bike ride (~30 miles round trip) to Riley Tavern for their weekly pancake breakfast. We will depart from Park Street Circle at 8:30am.

We will take the SW bike path and the Military Ridge State Trail to Riley for as many pancakes as we can eat. Then we'll head back to Madison. We'll plan to be back at the Union by 1:00pm.

Bring $10 ($6 for pancakes, $4 for a state trail day pass), a bicycle, helmet, and water for the ride. If you need to borrow a helmet or bike from the club, please let me know in advance. New hoofers welcome and encouraged to come!

Mary Collins

Caving interest group meeting 11/24

From: Houssam Nassif

Hello cavers

We will be having a Caving Interest Group meeting on Tuesday Nov 24th, after the general meeting.
General meeting is at 7pm, Hoofer lounge

anyone with interest in caving is urged to attend.

- Elections of Vertical and Horizontal Caving Chairs
- Forming new Caving leaders
- Brainstorm about how we want the new Hoofer space to be
- Other issues that anyone want to raise

Hope to see you there!

Interest in House on The Rock holiday light show? 12/12

From: Ned Rubert

I would like to run a different sort of Hoofer trip on Saturday, Dec. 12--one where we drive to House on the Rock (near Spring Green, WI) and then spend the afternoon walking indoors though a myriad of eclectic rooms which have been lavishly decorated for the holidays. The admission is a little pricey (~$20), but as I understand is well worth it. You would also need to bring an extra $12 for gas and fast food. Tentative departure time is 9 AM from Park St. Circle and we would be back by 5 PM. Please e-mail if interested. Also, check out .


Lake Jumping Leader needed!

From: Ryan Schmudlach

Dearest Hoofers,

I will not be able to lead Lake Jumping on Monday nights anymore! Yes, the tears are indeed flowing. However, that means I will need someone to take over the candy bag and other such Lake Jumping essentials. If you can commit to 45 minutes every Monday night, please let me know!!


Adventure Rock Trip November 25 2009

From: Jon Wood, Climbing Chair

Hey Everyone,

Want to break out of the norm of only going to Boulders Climbing Gym? I love Boulders as much as the next person, but variety is the spice of life and so I would like to spice things up. On Wednesday November 25 ( yes, the day before Thanksgiving Day) I will lead folks out to Adventure Rock Climbing Gym in Pewaukee, WI. They recently put up all new routes and everyone should come out and try them out. We will leave from PSC (Park Street Circle, Memorial Union) at 4:30pm; if you need gear please arrive at 4:15pm. Plan to bring $20-25 which will cover the cost of a day pass at Adventure Rock, the cost of gas (check with your driver on this), and, as always, a stop over at the Culvers right next door. Since the gym closes at 10:00pm, we should be back at PSC around 11:30pm.

I strongly encourage people to come. While a B1 rating is not required for this trip I strongly recommend it. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to email me and I will respond as soon as I can.


Jon Wood!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lake Mendota paddling Sunday afternoon 11/22

From Connie Lane
If anyone wants to paddle sea kayaks on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm, I will lead. It is supposed to be 57 degrees, so get out one more time before regular November weather comes to stay.

E-mail me at if you want to paddle for two hours. I need two people to make this happen. You need an SK1 rating and you will have to wear a wetsuit (the club owns some if you don't have one).


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saturday 11/21 paddling outdoors.....Sac? Mendota?

From: Connie Lane
Is anyone interested in paddling outdoors one more time? Maybe Sac for WW but maybe Mendota in SK. Read on.....

Potential Sac trip: Saturday will be warm, and Ned and I discussed going to Sac. This trip is open to R2 paddlers with a roll (Matt KR1co - we'd take you, too). This would be a quick trip - spending about 1.5 hours on the water. If you are interested in Sac, email me (

If Sac does not materialize, I may go out on Mendota and paddle an SK for 2-3 hours. You would need to have an R1 rating to join me. If you want to sea kayak, e-mail me at the address above.


Kayak Polo at Dec. 6 Pool Session

From: Ned Rubert

Don't know what to do at kayak Pool Sessions because you have already taken your lake lesson and already know how to roll? Or maybe you're learning to roll and feel tired and discouraged after the first hour of practice? Then read on...

We will be playing kayak polo during the second hour of the Dec. 6th Pool Session. To participate, you will need to purchase a Pool Session ticket either on Tuesday evening at the HOC meeting or through the OPO during business hours. You do not need to know how to roll or to have taken the kayak lake lesson to participate (although people who have not taken a lake lesson will be asked to demonstrate a wet exit before playing).


Monday, November 16, 2009

Ski and Snowboard Rail Jam on the Terrace! Thursday 11/18

From: Caroline Rose

Can't wait for winter? Ski and Snowboard is so ready they've decided to bring the winter to us this Thursday.

Hoofer Ski and Snowboard is bringing in 40,000 pounds of snow to build a huge hill on our very own Union terrace, and will have ski and snowboard competitions ongoing for three hours on Thursday!

FREE to watch! Drop by the terrace between 5 and 8 pm on Thurday, November 19th to see this huge event!
Hoofer Ski and Snowboard leaders have put an amazing amount of work and planning into this event, so let's give them a great turnout!

More information:
From Ski and Snowboard's website:

An article from, including a picture of what this might look like:

Hope to see you on the terrace!!

The Bash Cometh 11/21

From: Matt Kaufmann

Hoofers! Yes, The Bash Cometh sooner than you would expect. It is happening this Saturday evening! The event of November that everybody has been waiting for. The event that is the final push through the end of the Fall Semester. The event you do not want to miss out on because all the cool kids are doing it. The event that requires no previous experience and is open to your non-Hoofer friends who wish to still prove their coolness factor.

But you should not delay any longer and sign up at Tuesday's meeting! I know, I know... some of you can not come to the Tuesday meeting. I know, I know... some of you have commitment issues (don't we all?!) and are not ready to commit to an event that is happening this Saturday night regardless of river levels, barometric pressure, Hoofer ratings, wind direction and other weather factors, driver availability (the Wonder Wagon has us covered!), participant numbers,... or you are waiting for something better to come up and occupy your Saturday night. Let me just give it to you straight, you are a lost Hoofer if you do not come to The Bash happening this Saturday night. Bring yourself and a friend!

If you can not make it to the Hoofer meeting at 7pm Tuesday or if you have commitment issues, drop me an email to reserve your spot. So yes, day of show ups are welcome pretty much because you need to be at the event of November! Or be a trooper and commit to going to The Bash at Tuesday's meeting. If you do neither of the previous options, go back two spaces and lose your turn and then just show up Saturday night at 7:30pm in the Hoofer Lounge. Cost is $12 cash!

Here it is.... the day fast approaching. The Hoofer Outing Club will be taking over Boulders Climbing Gym on the evening of Saturday, November 21, 2009 for The Boulder Bash. This will be the event of November! And from now on, it shall be referred to as The Bash! This year's theme is Retro. Costumes are of course highly encouraged.

Who is invited?
-Climbing fools and climbing wannabes. Beginners are welcome! No experience required. If you are getting this email, you are invited. Your non-Hoofer friends are also invited and will then be convinced to join the club!

How much will the trip cost?
-The Bash will cost $12 (CASH, please!) which must be payed at the time of sign up.

How do you sign up for this event?
-Sign up will be in person AFTER the Tuesday evening Hoofer Outing Club meeting at 7pm in the Hoofer Lounge (the dates of the next meeting is 11/17). You must pay $12 CASH at this time. Sign up will also include signing your life away on a Boulders Climbing Gym waiver. [Exceptions to in-person sign up will be kept to an absolute minimum... ie, you are currently doing an internship in Brussels, Belgium and therefore can not make it to the meeting. Such an excuse will of course be permissible].

Here is what is going down...
We will be gathering at 7:30 pm on Saturday, 11/21 in the Hoofer Lounge and making sure all climbing fools are accounted for. Car rides will be arranged to the gym (this pretty much involves finding an open car seat and meeting some new people). If you are able to drive, park your car in Park Street Circle (PSC) with the flashers on. We should arrive at the gym at 8 pm. All necessary gear will be provided. Food will also be present in the form of a sandwich bar, various snacking items and beverages. You provide an awesome climbing attitude, a costume fitting to this year's theme of Retro. The first hour or so at the Gym will involve getting beginners on the ropes. People are also more than welcome to just Boulder. The rest of the evening will be spent having a good time! And the good time will have to end at the gym around 11:30ish.

The trip is open to the first [insert a somewhat arbitrary number here] people that sign up. No climbing experience is needed. You do not want to be left out! Sign up Tuesday!

It's gonna be epic.

Matt "Navs" Kaufmann

Climbing, Wednesday, Boulder's Gym 11/16

From: Morgan Leider

You know the drill, and you've probably seen at least 50 of these emails from me before. Wednesday, 6:30pm, the first coming of rock climbers will meet at park street circle and head off to go climb some stuff! We will be carpooling from park street circle. If you get there late and there's a bunch of cars with flashing hazards and no people, hurry down to the lower office to find us.
Sorry, no Monday night climbing this week. (Although the regulars will all probably be there anyhow if you show up on your own.) If last week was any indication, you're all probably studying for mid-terms and doing projects before Thanksgiving anyhow. So it's time for me to get some swimming and a good wilderness jog in this Monday.
-Bring $10 for the gym pass.
-Club gear usage is free to club members so you don't have to rent any.
-Please be considerate and offer your driver $1 for gas, especially if they're another poor college student.
-Bring flexible clothes to climb in. I'd recommend against jeans.
-John Wood is now climbing like Craig without the tattoo. Beware!
For any questions, feel free to email or call me.

Lake Jumping Tonight 11/16

From: Ryan Schmudlach:

Lake Jumping, 9:45pm. Lakeshore dorms Crew Docks. Be there!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kayak Pool Session - Its not too late!

Hi Hoofers!

We have another pool session this Sunday. This is a great opportunity to get started in boating, learn to roll, or just come have some fun. We really do have a lot of fun and I would encourage you all to attend. It is appropriate for boaters and those who want to be boaters at all levels. No ratings required. All you need is a swim suit (A fleece is nice if you have it, as are nose plugs). I will be selling tickets at the door for $5 so you can still come.

Where and When: Meet at Park Street Circle 1pm, done by 5 pm.
Cost: $5
Who: Everyone

Additional Dates this Semester: December 6 and December 13

These dates are contingent on addition interest. If you want to see these sessions happen, sign up now!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

teleskiiers: Blackhawk needs you this weekend! (Nov 14)

Past and future teleskiiers:

Jana has put out a call for people to help get the ski hill and chalet ready for another season of Wednesday night skiing. Please volunteer to work this Saturday November 14 to get firewood cut and stacked (you all like it when the two stoves are going, right?) and other chores.

I can give rides to people who need a lift. Please e-mail if you want to work Saturday morning and I'll coordinate rides and time. It'd be great if another driver would step up so that we can have a couple of different time options.

Bring water to drink and dress in layers so you can peel off as you warm up, including a rain jacket (there is a small chance of light showers)....Also, bring snacks or a lunch.

All are welcome to hike the trails and check out the grounds once we've done some work.

Beginners/new HOC members who have not yet skied Blackhawk are welcome. Basically, this private ski community lets us utilize their hill for teleskiing under the lights every Wednesday from January to March. The season pass for students is about $30 and for community members is $40. They teach teleskiing lessons and the club has gear for you to use. We coordinate rides and there is a social hour every Wednesday night for an hour after skiing ends. Not only is this very fun and a great way to meet people, but this is one of the best deals in Hoofers!

E-mail me if you want to work Saturday and need a ride or can give a ride.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Students: Hoofers is hiring!

From: Mary Collins/Jim Rogers

Hoofer students,

Hoofers is hiring! The Outdoor Programs Office (a.k.a. the Hoofer office) is looking for two motivated students to join the OPO desk staff this spring. This is a great opportunity for a student to get more involved in Hoofers, help current and prospective members, learn about other Hoofer clubs, and work with some phenomenal people. The OPO is a nonstop party (just ask Erin McLaughlin, Hoofers Intern). APPLY!!!

See the email below for position information. Contact with any questions.

-Mary Collins, Outing Club President


JOB #:



November 6, 2009


Outdoor Programs Student Staff


Outdoor Programs


Memorial Union







$8.35 to start


Average 8-15


M – F Between the hours of 8:45-5:30pm, with occasional after hours event (kickoff) assistance. Flexible schedule often involves 8-12 hours/week. Position starts in January after winter break. Option to start paid orientation at the end of winter break or near the end of the fall semester. First, second year, and work-study students are particularly encouraged to apply. Option to work in the summer, as staffing allows.


Work in a fast-paced office setting assisting customers with Hoofers outdoor recreation programs with club enrollment, club trips and instruction sign-up; providing general Hoofer information; completing office duties such as processing payments, filing, organizing related materials, and other assorted projects.


Dependable, ability to work enthusiastically with customers, motivated, takes strong initiative to complete projects, self starter and, good organizing skills.


Will train, but preferred experience with customer service, office duties, interest in outdoor activities, and/or familiarity with Hoofers (such as being a club member).


Hiring for academic year, with summer option.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and availability schedule to Jess Lien, Outdoor Programs Office; 800 Langdon St; Madison WI 53706 or


Jim Rogers, & staff



11/21: Beginner vertical caving trip

From: Houssam Nassif, Vertical Caving Chair

This vertical trip is part of the Beginner cave-sampler trip.

Date and time: Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Ledge View, Chilton, WI
Contact: Houssam Nassif 608-443-9168

This is a beginner friendly vertical caving trip.
You should have your V1 or V1A (first part of the V1 training) to come to this trip.

Ledge View is a great cave to reassert your vertical caving techniques, and for practicing change overs.
Forgot your change-over? Shaky about your ascending technique? Need practice?
This is a great opportunity for re-learning and/or practicing your vertical skills.

What you should bring:
* All what is required for the horizontal caving trip
* LEATHER gloves.
* a bag that you don't mind getting cave-dirty to store your vertical equipment

Bring comfortable clothes. Nothing tight.
No jewels. If you have long hair, bring something to tie your hair with. Remove anything dangling. A rack during a rappel can rip off anything it catches.

I am attaching the Beginner cave-sampler trip email for convenience:


Date and time: Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Ledge View, Chilton, WI
Contact: Houssam Nassif 608-443-9168

Have you ever wondered what is caving like? Is caving suited for me? Come and discover all about caving!
This is a beginner friendly trip where you will get to experience several caving activities. No prior caving knowledge is required.

Yep! This is a caving sampler! A four-in-one deal! We will go to the Ledge View cave system, where you will be able to see and participate in several underground activities:
- cave exploration
- cave excavation
- cave survey
- vertical caving

The Wisconsin Speleological Society (WSS) is excavating the Ledge View cave system and surveying it. We will first explore the caves. Then, you will have the possibility to participate in excavation and surveying activities. You will also see vertical cavers in action.

It is a great trip to try and get to know about caving and its many facets. More advanced trips will focus on one of the above activities. Ledge View is a dry cave, easily accessed, and with little crawling. Most of the rooms and passages are walkable. But if you get challenged, there is plenty of side passages to crawl into!

We will meet at PSC at 10:00 am.
Expect to be back by 6 pm.

What you should bring:
* Urge for underground adventure
* Batteries for headlamps (8 AA)
* One extra light (flashlight works)
* $ for gas
* Gloves (must be LEATHER if you are a vertical caver)
* Clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting dirty (avoid cotton if possible)
* A trash bag for your dirty clothes
* Fresh clothes and shoes to change into after caving
* A snack or box-lunch

Recommended gear: a towel and knee pads.
The club will provide helmets and headlamps.

I HIGHLY recommend knee pads. Absolutely any knee pad will do, be it soft or hard, for boxing or rollerskating or whatever other use. It doesn't have to be a caving specific one. Although if you plan on caving a lot, caving knee pads are a good investment.

We may stop in Chilton for some pizza on the way back.

Any questions/concern? please ask!

PS: If you are interested in caving, Join by applying at
you will get notices of several caving events by non-hoofers.

11/21: Beginner cave-sampler trip

From: Houssam Nassif

Date and time: Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: Ledge View, Chilton, WI
Contact: Houssam Nassif

Have you ever wondered what is caving like? Is caving suited for me? Come and discover all about caving!
This is a beginner friendly trip where you will get to experience several caving activities. No prior caving knowledge is required.

Yep! This is a caving sampler! A four-in-one deal! We will go to the Ledge View cave system, where you will be able to see and participate in several underground activities:
- cave exploration
- cave excavation
- cave survey
- vertical caving

The Wisconsin Speleological Society (WSS) is excavating the Ledge View cave system and surveying it. We will first explore the caves. Then, you will have the possibility to participate in excavation and surveying activities. You will also see vertical cavers in action.

It is a great trip to try and get to know about caving and its many facets. More advanced trips will focus on one of the above activities. Ledge View is a dry cave, easily accessed, and with little crawling. Most of the rooms and passages are walkable. But if you get challenged, there is plenty of side passages to crawl into!

We will meet at PSC at 10:00 am.
Expect to be back by 6 pm.

What you should bring:
* Urge for underground adventure
* Batteries for headlamps (8 AA)
* One extra light (flashlight works)
* $ for gas
* Gloves
* Clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting dirty (avoid cotton if possible)
* A trash bag for your dirty clothes
* Fresh clothes and shoes to change into after caving
* A snack or box-lunch

Recommended gear: a towel and knee pads.
The club will provide helmets and headlamps.

I HIGHLY recommend knee pads. Absolutely any knee pad will do, be it soft or hard, for boxing or rollerskating or whatever other use. It doesn't have to be a caving specific one. Although if you plan on caving a lot, caving knee pads are a good investment.

We may stop in Chilton for some pizza on the way back.

Any questions/concern? please ask!

PS: If you are interested in caving, Join by applying at
you will get notices of several caving events by non-hoofers.

Dec 29-Jan 4: NYE - Mile High Club X-Treem

Ben Laurent:

Hoofers to the East--
This trip announcement comes with some wintery momentum that is in full swing here in Colorado, as 4 of us Mile-High Hoofers just completed an epic October snowshoe trek through 3+ feet of powdery snow in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. Yes, Snowshoeing in October, waist deep. With Colorado winter conditions coming the earliest in years (two ski slopes have already opened the earliest in history) and my first Downhill Ski-Snowshoe weekend happening in like 3 days, I suppose its time to invite you sub-1000 feet mortals to join in the wintery fun, and by wintery fun I mean:
4-season sporking
Pond Hockey/Broomball on an Alpine Lake
Snowcave Building
Fruit Loop Pancakes
Avalanche Aversion
Bowie Glacier Rescue
Hoofer Chili Over an Open Fire
Whiskey/Non-Whiskey Cider
Jiffy Pop
A cabin in Grand Lake
Alpine Lake Jumping
Frostbite Cribbage
Optional La Quinta Waffles
While whispers of such an event have been circulating amongst many of the some, this is official as it can get because its going to be done on the fly, Hoofer Hardcore Style, with a New Year's Eve celebration smack dab in the middle of it that will have you singing Auld Lang Syne well into two-thousand-and-ought eleven.
So here's what is going to happen:
Probably on December 29th, I'll drive back from Madison to Colorado with an Alli, a Bowie, and a Becca.
Probably on December 30th-31st-1st-2nd-3rd there will be some hardcore winter adventure containing most if not all of the above list.
Probably on December 31st evening there will be some epic NYE celebration on a ski slope, or Rocky Mountain National Park, or doing the Grand Lake bar crawl with the locals, or rockin' out to some tunes on a hand-crank radio in a snowcave, or cramming 10 people in a one bedroom cabin or something really cool that will sock your rocks off.
Probably, on the 4th, you will go back to marginally close to sea level.
The trip will be as cheap as we can make it and will optimize tents and Lipton rice sides while minimizing showers and maximizing unlimited consumption of free day/week-old Einstein Bagels. Those of us with ski passes can help those who need ski passes via guest passes (we're locked in for Copper/WP/Steamboat), and the club has snowshoes and tele-skis, and other gear that you may want, and if you are lucky you can sleep in my backyard too.
The only thing you may be saying that would prevent you from coming is: "but colorado does not have a culvers". But, I assure you it does, and its spreading like Eurasian Milfoil.
So, if you are interested, e-mail me and we can get the planning started.

11/21: The Boulder Bash

From: Matt Kaufmann


Here it is.... the day fast approaching. The Hoofer Outing Club will be taking over Boulders Climbing Gym on the evening of Saturday, November 21, 2009 for The Boulder Bash. This will be the event of November! And from now on, it shall be referred to as The Bash! This year's theme is Retro. Costumes are of course highly encouraged.

Who is invited?
-Climbing fools and climbing wannabes. Beginners are welcome! No experience required. If you are getting this email, you are invited. Your non-Hoofer friends are also invited and will then be convinced to join the club!

How much will the trip cost?
-The Bash will cost $12 (CASH, please!) which must be payed at the time of sign up.

How do you sign up for this event?
-Sign up will be in person AFTER the Tuesday evening Hoofer Outing Club meeting at 7pm in the Hoofer Lounge (the dates of the next two meetings are 11/10 and 11/17). You must pay $12 CASH at this time. Sign up will also include signing your life away on a Boulders Climbing Gym waiver. [Exceptions to in-person sign up will be kept to an absolute minimum... ie, you are currently doing an internship in Brussels, Belgium and therefore can not make it to the meeting will of course be permissible].

Here is what is going down...
We will be gathering at 7:30 pm on Saturday, 11/21 in the Hoofer Lounge and making sure all climbing fools are accounted for. Car rides will be arranged to the gym (this pretty much involves finding an open car seat and meeting some new people). If you are able to drive, park your car in Park Street Circle (PSC) with the flashers on. We should arrive at the gym at 8 pm. All necessary gear will be provided. Food will also be present in the form of a sandwich bar, various snacking items and beverages. You provide an awesome climbing attitude, a costume fitting to this year's theme of Retro. The first hour or so at the Gym will involve getting beginners on the ropes. People are also more than welcome to just Boulder. The rest of the evening will be spent having a good time! And the good time will have to end at the gym around 11:30ish.

The trip is open to the first [insert a somewhat arbitrary number here] people that sign up. No climbing experience is needed. You do not want to be left out! Sign up next Tuesday!

It's gonna be epic.

Matt "Navs" Kaufmann

Jan 2nd-8th: Appalachian Exploration Proclamation

From Steve Nelms:

Appalachian Exploration Proclamation

Hi all!

If you have been attending any of the recent meetings, you will have heard this trip announcement in person. If not, listen up and listen good. I am leading an 8 person (this could go up to 12 depending on whether or not some transportation/logistics details change) to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. We will be Backpacking 40-60 miles of the Appalachian trail. Our midpoint will be Clingman's Dome, the highest point on the entire appalachian trail (approx. 6500'). We will probably be staying in shelters along or near the main trail. I have already talked to many people who are interested in this trip and there is already a short waiting list. However, don't let this turn you off! I am sure that spots will open as most people that I talked to weren't even sure they could go yet. If you're interested, shoot me an e-mail, give me a call, or talk to me in person at one of the meetings (I'm almost always there). In a few weeks (probably early december) I'll be collected a deposit that is nonrefundable unless someone fills your spot. The trip cost will probably be about 60-70 dollars per person for gas + general food costs + minimal shelter fees (there is no park entrance fee or daily fee for hiking). It is difficult to quote an exact price right now, but it will be fairly cheap for a week of fun and hiking. I really would like to do some of the formal planning and decision making once a solid group has been established so that I can get input from everyone and so that we can make it a fully group trip. There are many decisions to be made that I will further discuss after one of the outing club meetings. Feel free to contact me with any advice, suggestions, or questions.

What: Back Packing 40-60 miles of the Appalachian Trail in the Smoky Mountains

Where: The Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. We will hike up to the high point of the Appalachian Trail, Clingman’s Dome.

How?!: We will drive to the trail head and either get goin immediately, or camp for a night at a 250 acre mountain property on the Green River. The day hikes will be medium to high intensity in nature and in mileage. We will likely stay at shelters each night and celebrate our day’s work while preparing for the next day’s trek! Crampons will be a must and snowshoes a maybe. The High elevations will likely be in the 20’s. Snow is a definite possibility!

Why: If you have to ask why, don’t go!

When: January 2nd-January 8th (those are the arrive and return dates to and from Mad Town).

Contact Info:

Steve Nelms


"Delicious Deals" Pancake Breakfast, Thur Nov 19, Great Hall, Memorial Union, 8-10 am

From: Marc Kennedy, Wisconsin Union Communications Director


The Wisconsin Union presents:

“Delicious Deals” Pancake Breakfast

November 19

8 – 10 am

Great Hall, Memorial Union

800 Langdon St.

The Wisconsin Union knows that a hearty breakfast at a great price is the perfect way to start your day on campus! All UW-Madison students, faculty and staff are welcome at our “Delicious Deals for Tough Times” breakfast on November 19, from 8 to 10 am in Great Hall, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St.

For $2 and a valid UW ID, guests receive pancakes, coffee and more! This event is limited to the first 350 guests, but more events are planned for next semester to help the campus through tough times!

This special event is sponsored by the Wisconsin Union Delis, Restaurants and Catering Services who are always creating new and tasty ways to help you stretch your dollars. For example, the Delis offer the Daily Deli Deal at most of their locations which comes with a sandwich, 3 or 4 sides of your choice for under $$6.50. The new Badger Market in the Medical Sciences Center offers the Badger Bundle, which lets you choose any deli sandwich, beverage and side to receive a $1 off.
Our Restaurants also offer daily specials like a small soup for $1.75 or small chili for $2 when you purchase a sandwich at Der Rathskeller. Also, the Terrace Pizza Window in Lakefront on Langdon offers two flatbread pizzas for only $5 for a limited time Thursday-Saturday, 7 pm to close. Our deals are too delicious to pass up!

Find out more about other great deals offered daily at our Deli and Restaurant locations. More events and special deals are coming soon! Check our website at or our Facebook page, “Delicious Deals for Tough Times,” for updates.

Info on WI hunting seasons

From: Connie Lane

Hunting is beginning to impact some Hoofer activities. Already there has been one special weekend of deer hunting, and there will be more. Some of you asked how you can know what is happening outdoors for the rest of the year. Here is a link to the DNR website page where you can look up hunting seasons when you are planning your outdoor activities.

The website is complex, but for most of us, the most important season is the white-tailed deer season. As "gun-deer season" draws the greatest number of hunters, it is the most dangerous time for us to be in the woods. Dates will vary around the state, depending on whether or not an area is included in the CWD* eradication zone.

Much of southern and central southern WI is in the CWD eradication zone, including places hunting is not normally allowed (i.e., Nature Conservancy properties, state parks). There is a special map for the deer season at this link:

The map includes a lot of information, but look at where you want to go and see if it is labelled "CWD". Before you plan hiking/camping/backpacking/river trips from mid-November through New Year's holiday, you should consult the DNR sites so that you know where you may encounter hunters. Then you can wear appropriate bright orange clothing, or find somewhere else to go, or something else to do.

Finally, realize that there are too many deer out there and the hunters are doing all of us a service and protecting the land by culling the herd.


* CWD for the uninitiated is "chronic wasting disease" of deer and elk, which is contagious and the DNR is trying to kill all the deer in areas of the state where the disease has been detected in animals. Thus, they have especially long hunting seasons in these areas and hunters can hunt deer in places where they are not normally allowed.

11/24-11/29: Backpacking the Lost Creek Wilderness Loop, Colorado

From: Morgan Leider

This Thanksgiving weekend I've decided to break away from the traditional family stuff for the 2nd time in my life. Instead, I want to do something truly amazing and memorable. That something being the Lost Creek Wilderness Loop near Colorado Springs Colorado! It's a 3 day 24 mile backpacking trip between numerous beautiful river valleys with some of the most breathtaking natural scenery you can find. With the trail varying between 8,000 to 11,600 feet in elevation as you walk along the valley ridges. In fact, this is the scenery that Katharine Lee Bates was looking down upon from Pike's Peak when she wrote "America The Beautiful."
Now, in my original trip announcement I mentioned climbing Pike's Peak. Unfortunately Pike's Peak started snow capping over a month ago. So unless you're truly hardcore, we're not going to be climbing that. Instead I figure we might spend some time in the Garden of the Gods. And on a side note, this will be a Cold trip! Unless we get really lucky.
Now as a warning, I'd give this trip a 50% chance of going to the intended location due to Colorado getting hit with and earlier winter and snows than usual. If it's going to be 3 foot snow drifts, I'm going to take the trip to an alternative location if people are up for that. I was thinking the Ozarks, or Arkansas, or even visiting the South or East Coasts which I've never seen before; and camping along the beach in the 70 degree heat while we explore the wilderness and maybe even visit Disney World if people are up for it.
So as for some more details on the trip. This will be a leave-no-trace trip. There are no prepared campsites, or facilities. We'll be making our own fire pits if we do make a fire for the night. More often than not we'll most likely just be cooking on ultra-light portable stoves. The trip is spaced out well at about 8 miles a day. Every night we will be sleeping in a river valley with tree coverage and access to streams. There are no permits for this trail, so the trip fees are basically just gas and food.
What you need:
-20F sleeping bag, preferably a 0F sleeping bag.
-A sleeping pad, you do NOT want to be sleeping on frozen ground without a sleeping pad.
-Warm clothes!!!!! Insulated socks, and warm hiking boots!!!
-Buy long underwear. Fleet & Farm and Farm & Fleet for example has 3 different ratings in the men's long underwear department. 1 is for "oh gosh it's below 60!" 2 is for "it's getting kinda cold, but I could wear these to wander out and get the mail in November" and 3 is "sipping chocolate raspberry decadence martinis on the side of a mountain in the middle of a blizzard wearing nothing but your long johns and talking like a pirate as you curse the winds!" You probably want to get 3! And if you can't find the rated good ones in the women's department, wander over to the men's and just buy the size that fits you. These clothes are all unisex anyhow.
-A good 45L to 90L backpack to carry everything in.
-Fork, knife, spoon, cup, and plate. Seriously though, you probably want a thermos that you can strap/snap to your backpack to carry around and sip hot cocoa out of all day long on this trip!
-$20 trip deposit due on the 10th of November at the meeting. I estimate this trip will cost around $20 to $40 a person total.
What I need to know if you're interested:
1. Are you serious about coming on this trip? Yes / Maybe (don't bother me if it's a no)
2. Are you available from the evening of November 24th to the 29th?
3. Do you have a dependable car that you'd trust driving to Colorado and back that gets good MPG and you'd be willing to drive if we get more than 5 people interested?
4. What is your phone number?
5. If I sing "Big Green Tractor" "Should'a Been a Cowboy" and "Life is a Highway" on this trip more than 10 times each, are you going to sing along with me or kill me in my sleep?
6. Are you an experienced backpacker?
7. Are you sure you're ready for high elevations and cold like this?
8. What would you like to see as an alternative trip location if we get snowed out of Colorado?
I just got my vacation approved for the 25th. So the trip would be leaving the evening of the 24th. And hopefully you don't have any professors that are going to give you homework on the day before thanksgiving. Apply for your vacation NOW if you need to. And talk to and make sure your professors aren't going to give any mid-terms that Wednesday.
If you have more questions feel free to email me, call me, or talk to me at the meeting on Tuesday!

11/20-11/22: A trip to Lake Wobegon (Prairie Home Companion)

From: Nan Huai

Hi, Hoofers:
Do you have a Lutheran connection? Do you love the Prairie Home Companion? Do you like outdoor adventures?

If you say "yes", then, you should consider coming with us to Minneapolis for the Garrison Keillor show (Prairie Home Companion) and the Outdoor Adventure Expo hosted by the Midwest Moutaineering.

We will leave Madison after work on Nov 20 (Friday), drive to Minneapolis and stay in a motel (room sharing is possible if people are willing to do it). On Saturday, we go to Midwest Mountaineering, check out sales, free workshops, and free presentations (see the link below for specific info). Midwest mountaineering is an INDEPENDENT outdoor gear shop. It's huge and it's located in an interesting neighborhood. We will have authentic Cantonese food for lunch (authenticity certified by Nan). At 4:00pm. We will head to the theater for the Prairie Home Companion show.
Nov 22, we can return to the Outdoor Expos or the Minneapolis Art Museum. We will arrive in Madison no later than 9:00pm.

Cost: You are responsible for your food and the ticket to Garrison Keillor show:
We will car pool and share gas cost. We are open to room sharing for motel cost.

More info about Midwestern Moutaineering is at:

Nan and Oleg.

A trip to Lake Wobegon (Prairie Home Companion)

From: Nan Huai

Hi, Hoofers:
Do you have a Lutheran connection? Do you love the Prairie Home Companion? Do you like outdoor adventures?

If you say "yes", then, you should consider coming with us to Minneapolis for the Garrison Keillor show (Prairie Home Companion) and the Outdoor Adventure Expo hosted by the Midwest Moutaineering.

We will leave Madison after work on Nov 20 (Friday), drive to Minneapolis and stay in a motel (room sharing is possible if people are willing to do it). On Saturday, we go to Midwest Mountaineering, check out sales, free workshops, and free presentations (see the link below for specific info). Midwest mountaineering is an INDEPENDENT outdoor gear shop. It's huge and it's located in an interesting neighborhood. We will have authentic Cantonese food for lunch (authenticity certified by Nan). At 4:00pm. We will head to the theater for the Prairie Home Companion show.
Nov 22, we can return to the Outdoor Expos or the Minneapolis Art Museum. We will arrive in Madison no later than 9:00pm.

Cost: You are responsible for your food and the ticket to Garrison Keillor show:
We will car pool and share gas cost. We are open to room sharing for motel cost.

More info about Midwestern Moutaineering is at:

Nan and Oleg.