Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome to the Outing Club Blog!

Greetings outdoor enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Hoofer Outing Club blog! This is your 2009-10 president, Mary Collins, writing, and boy am I stoked to get this up and running! I will post periodically about topics and events that I think may be of interest to Hoofer folk and any other Madisonians who enjoy outdoor recreation.

So, you ask, what the heck is Hoofer Outing Club?

Hoofer Outing Club is one of six Hoofers clubs at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. We are an outdoors education and recreation club with a diverse membership of students, faculty, staff, and community members. Members plan and lead trips in Wisconsin and around the country, instruct lessons, oversee purchase and upkeep of club equipment, and coordinate all aspects of club operations. When you join the Outing Club, lessons are free and most equipment use is included. Trip costs are usually only gas, food, and camping expenses. You can join in on a trip or lead one yourself. Trips are announced on the website calendar, through our email list, or at one of our weekly meetings at the trip leader's discretion.

...Basically, HOC is just a stellar group of Madison folks who enjoy exploring the great outdoors in and around the best city on Earth. If you want to join or learn more, visit our website www.hooferouting.org or come to one of our weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Hoofer Bradley Lounge in the basement of the UW Memorial Union, 800 Langdon Street, Madison, WI, 53706.

Contact info@hooferouting.org with specific questions.

Happy Hoofing,
Mary Collins